Eckdaten der Hundeentwicklung Übersicht "Hundherum"

Die Eckdaten der Hundeentwicklung (Welpenzeit bis Seniorenalter) sind stichpunktartig und in tabellarischer Art zusammengefasst.
  • Audio:  German
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Hinweis: Leser des Buches "Hundeverhalten unter der Lupe" können beim Kauf den für dieses Produkt im Buch angegebenen Rabattcode anwenden.
General information:
Purchase of this webinar will allow you to view it 24/7 with no restrictions until the expiry date (for five years after the live date).

Once you have placed your order, the webinar will be immediately available within your dog-ibox user account.
Please follow these steps in order to view the recording:
Log in to your dog-ibox user account.
• Then click on “My Webinars and Downloads” (if you don't see this option, click on the “Account” button in the menu, then on “Account" and then “My Webinars and Downloads”).
• You will now see a list of all your webinars and can choose and play the webinar or podcast of your choice.

To print your Certificate of Attendance:
• Go to “My Webinars” (as for the webinar recording).
• Click now on “My Certificates of Attendance” on the left side of your screen.

CEU Application:
Please use the CEU request form or follow the instructions which can be found in the same area as the student notes and webinar link (follow the same steps as mentioned above in order to view the recording). There is an extra button called “CEU Request”.
System requirements:
Please note that the latest version of Adobe Flash Player is required in order to view the webinar.
For Apple products we recommend "Puffin", a web browser that supports Flash Player.
  • Eckdaten der Entwicklung
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