Separation Anxiety in Dogs during COVID-19

Closed captioning provided (click CC on bottom right of the recording).
  • Dauer:   20 Minuten
  • Audio:  Englisch
  • Abspielbar bis:  Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2032
0,00 $
With the majority of us being home every day, concerns are rising about separation anxiety issues once our lives return to normal. In this brief informational webinar, separation anxiety expert Malena DeMartini talks about how to optimize dogs for alone-time success after we all return to work.
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Malena DeMartini-Price

Malena DeMartini-Price Alle Webinare des/der Referent:in anzeigen

Malena DeMartini-Price is renowned in the dog training world for her expertise in dog separation anxiety issues. She is the author of the book Treating Separation Anxiety in Dogs and has contributed articles on separation anxiety to multiple publications such as the Association of Professional Dog Trainers’ (APDT) Chronicle of the Dog, Pet Professional Guild’s (PPG) Barks From the Guild, and various national magazines such as The Bark. She lectures on SA at professional dog training workshops and conferences around the world, including everything from large professional conferences to small venues. She also has been interviewed widely on this topic and multiple videos and podcasts have been produced. Malena is an honors graduate of the esteemed Academy for Dog Trainers, where she studied under Jean Donaldson, and is a member of the APDT, the Pet Professionals Guild, and the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants.
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