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Smart Dogs, Clever Trainers: Shape the Environment, Shape the Dog

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Closed captioning provided (click CC on bottom right of the recording).
  • Dauer:  2 Stunden 27 Minuten
  • Audio:  Englisch
  • Abspielbar bis:  Samstag, 8. August 2026
  • Teilnahmebestätigung inbegriffen
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While shaping is considered a critical skill for dogs and handlers, it can be challenging to apply. Many trainers struggle with timing or appropriate criteria shifts, ensuring the rate of reward is high enough to prevent frustration and provide meaningful information for the dog.

In this webinar you will learn how structured shaping and using “props”, and antecedent arrangements can get us closer to errorless learning, creating a high rate of correct responses, producing greater results in less time, while lowering frustration in both dog and handler.

And while props are highly effective tools in communicating criteria quickly, we benefit only if we can separate the prop before it becomes an integral part of the behavior. The webinar includes instruction on how to apply this critical process, including adding new cues, and maintaining strength in the behavior once the aid of the prop is removed.

This webinar is geared toward trainers looking to create more effective and efficient training sessions while maintaining a shaping paradigm. Come and explore the creative use of props and “shaping the environment” to enhance your training.
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  • Handout Smart Dogs, Clever Trainers
  • Student Notes Smart Dogs, Clever Trainers
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Die folgenden Organisationen anerkennen dieses Webinar als Weiterbildung:

Karen Pryor Academy (KPA)
1.5 Credits
Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT)
1.5 Credits
International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC)
1.5 Credits
The Pet Professional Guild (PPG)
1.5 Credits
International Avian Trainers Certification Board and International Animal Trainers Certification Board (IATCB)
1.5 Credits
Julie Flanery

Julie Flanery Alle Webinare des/der Referent:in anzeigen

Julie Flanery B.S., CPDT-KA is the owner of Creative Canine LLC and has been working professionally with dogs and their owners since 1993. She focuses on the needs of the dog and helping owners form a strong relationship, through clear communication, and positive reinforcement strategies.

She teaches workshops and seminars nationally and internationally, on a variety of topics and is a highly sought after instructor at the Fenzi Dog Sports Academy.

Julie has placed Obedience, Freestyle, Rally, Rally-FrEe, Agility, Trick Dog and Parkour titles on her dogs and has earned a Championship in Heelwork-to-Music and a Grand Championship in Freestyle and Elite Grand Championship MCL in Rally-FrEe. She has achieved both High Technical Merit and High Artistic Merit in both Freestyle and Heelwork to Music several times over, including three prestigious Attila Challenge awards, as well as several “Top H.A.T.” awards for High Scoring Heelwork, Attention and Teamwork. In 2001 she was named "Trainer of the Year" by the World Canine Freestyle Organization and has been a competition freestyle judge since 2003.

In 2012, Julie developed the sport of Rally-FrEe to help freestyle teams increase the quality and precision of their performances. It has since become a stand-alone sport enjoyed by dog sport enthusiasts all over the world. She currently trains and competes with her Tibetan Terrier and her mixed-breed in Musical Freestyle, Heelwork-to-Music and Rally-FrEe.

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