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Approved for CEUs
Berufsverband der Hundeerzieher/innen und Verhaltensberater/innen e.V. (BHV)
Internationaler Berufsverband der Hundetrainer (IBH)
Tellington TTouch® Verein Deutschland
Tierärztekammer Niedersachsen
Tierärztekammer Schleswig Holstein

Highly Sensitive Dogs

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  • Duration:  1 hour 29 minutes
  • Audio:  English
  • Expires:  Thursday, December 30, 2032
  • Certificate of Attendance Extended
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Approved for CEUs
Berufsverband der Hundeerzieher/innen und Verhaltensberater/innen e.V. (BHV)
Internationaler Berufsverband der Hundetrainer (IBH)
Tellington TTouch® Verein Deutschland
Tierärztekammer Niedersachsen
Tierärztekammer Schleswig Holstein
The understanding that personality influences how an individual reacts to (environmental) stimuli has markedly increased in the past years. This is reflected by the rising number of studies on this topic not only in humans, but also in animals. As dogs live in the same social environment and in near proximity with humans, this species is particularly suitable to study in this respect. One personality trait that has been shown to have such an influence in humans - and now also in dogs - is high sensitivity or “sensory processing sensitivity”.

This webinar will give an insight into this personality trait, present the most interesting results of our research in dogs and offer some suggestions of how this knowledge might help prevent and treat (behavioural) problems and thereby increase the quality of life of dogs and their surroundings.
General information:
Purchase of this webinar will allow you to view it 24/7 with no restrictions until the expiry date (for five years after the live date).

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• You will now see a list of all your webinars and can choose and play the webinar or podcast of your choice.

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• Go to “My Webinars” (as for the webinar recording).
• Click now on “My Certificates of Attendance” on the left side of your screen.

CEU Application:
Please use the CEU request form or follow the instructions which can be found in the same area as the student notes and webinar link (follow the same steps as mentioned above in order to view the recording). There is an extra button called “CEU Request”.
System requirements:
All you need is a reasonable internet connection and an updated browser and operating system.

The following devices can be used in order to view the recording:
• PC or Laptop
• iPad or Tablet
• Smartphone
  • Student Notes High Sensitivity in Dogs
  • Handout High Sensitivity in Dogs
  • Certificate of Attendance
The following organizations acknowledge this webinar for CEUs:

Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT)
1.5 Credits
International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC)
1.5 Credits
International Avian Trainers Certification Board and International Animal Trainers Certification Board (IATCB)
1.5 Credits
Karen Pryor Academy (KPA)
1.5 Credits
The Pet Professional Guild (PPG)
1.5 Credits
Berufsverband der Hundeerzieher/innen und Verhaltensberater/innen e.V. (BHV)
Internationaler Berufsverband der Hundetrainer (IBH)
Tellington TTouch® Verein Deutschland
Tierärztekammer Niedersachsen
Tierärztekammer Schleswig Holstein
Dr. Maya Bräm

Dr. Maya Bräm View all Speaker Products

Für Deutsch bitte nach unten scrollen

• Dr. med. vet, MRCVS

• Diplomate of the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine (BM)

• EBVS European Veterinary Specialist in Behavioural Medicine

• Cert. veterinary herbal medicine / Phytotherapie (Integrate Ltd)

• Canine Bowen Practitioner

• Dr. med. vet., MRCVS


• EBVS European Veterinary Specialist in Behavioural Medicine

• Tierärztin FA Verhaltensmedizin GST

• Cert. veterinary herbal medicine (Integrate Ltd)

• Canine Bowen Practitioner
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