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Als Weiterbildung anerkannt durch
Internationaler Berufsverband der Hundetrainer (IBH)
Tellington TTouch® Verein Deutschland

Living & Learning with Animals: A Super Short Course in the Science & Practice of Behavior Change - Part 2

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  • Dauer:  1 Stunde 56 Minuten
  • Audio:  Englisch
  • Abspielbar bis:  Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2032
  • Teilnahmebestätigung inbegriffen
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Als Weiterbildung anerkannt durch
Internationaler Berufsverband der Hundetrainer (IBH)
Tellington TTouch® Verein Deutschland
49,90 $
Course Learning Objectives:

Part 2
1. Behavior-change Procedures
a. Key questions for solving behavior problems
b. The replacement behavior/new skills model

2. Antecedent strategies
a. Setting events
b. Motivation operations
c. Discriminative stimuli

3. Consequence strategies
a. Increasing behavior
i. Positive/negative reinforcement
ii. Factor affecting reinforcement effectiveness
iii. Individuality
iv. Establishing new reinforcers
v. Types of reinforcers
vi. Primary vs secondary reinforcers
vii. Schedule effects
viii. Shaping
ix. Targeting
b. Decreasing behavior
i. Problems with punishment
ii. Alternatives to punishment
iii. Differential reinforcement strategies
iv. Time out
v. Extinction
vi. Withhold and behavioral momentum

4. Science on Power

5. Wrap up – control conditions to change behavior
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  • Living and Learning with Animals Part 2 Handout.pdf
  • Living and Learning with Animals Part 2 Student Notes.pdf
  • Links Webinar Living and Learning with Animals Part 2.pdf
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Die folgenden Organisationen anerkennen dieses Webinar als Weiterbildung:

Karen Pryor Academy (KPA)
2.0 Credits
Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT)
2.0 Credits
International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC)
2.0 Credits
Internationaler Berufsverband der Hundetrainer (IBH)
The Pet Professional Guild (PPG)
2.0 Credits
Schulungszentrum für Tierverhaltenstherapie und Erziehungsberatung TVT e.U. (SzTVT)
2.0 Credits
Österreichischer Berufsverband der Hundeerzieher, -trainer und -verhaltensberater (ÖBdH)
2.0 Credits
Tellington TTouch® Verein Deutschland
Dr. Susan G. Friedman

Dr. Susan G. Friedman Alle Webinare des/der Referent:in anzeigen

Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus in the Department of Psychology at Utah State University. She has helped pioneer the cross-species application of behavior analysis to animals, using the same humane philosophy and scientifically sound teaching technology that has been so effective with human learners. Susan has co-authored chapters on behavior change in four veterinary texts, and her popular articles have been translated into 13 languages.

She gives seminars on animal learning at conferences and zoos around the world, is a member of Karen Pryor’s Clicker Expo faculty, and teaches yearly hands-on animal training workshops with Steve Martin (www.naturalencouters.com). Susan is the Parrot Division Chairperson of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC), the Chairperson of the Scientific Advisory Committee of American Humane Association (AHA) Film and TV Unit, and a member in good standing of ABAI, AZA, ABMA and IAATE.

This year She was included on the Vet Tech College’s list of “15 Animal Professors to Know.” Susan’s acclaimed on-line course, Living and Learning with Animals for behavior professionals, has provided even wider dissemination of effective, humane behavior change practices to students in over 30 countries (www.behaviorworks.org).
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